We believe the most effective way to create both an academically challenging and Christ-centered school is through the method known as the classical approach to education. This approach systematically uses the natural development of the child's mind to introduce information, teach them to think through and critically examine information, and express themselves and their own unique ideas.
Classical schools were the norm for thousands of years - until the industrial revolution in the early 1900s. Classical education is a proven method that was used to train some of the greatest minds from Homer to many of our country’s founding fathers.

Classical Academic Press, a renowned publisher of classical curriculum, created "An Introduction to Classical Education: A Guide for Parents." They've kindly granted permission for us to share it with you. We strongly encourage you to read this guide to better understand the goals and methods of classical education and what we do at Classical Christian Academy.

In our tech-obsessed world, we believe our students need to be taught how to put technology at its proper pace in their lives.
At CCA, we are purposefully low-tech in the lower school, and then, gradually and intentionally, we incorporate technology in the upper school.
In Lower School, while it may be popular to offer kids as young as kindergarten a Chromebook or an iPad for all of their learning, we believe the richest learning at these ages comes not from a screen but from real people and real experiences in the class. Our learning in the lower school is deeply relational and hands-on as we commit to teaching students to love the endeavor of learning. Teachers have technology available to use as an appropriate tool for enhancing learning. Examples are: Showing a short video on the classroom TV, ipads for a group learning project or center, required typing course, etc.
In the upper school, we are intentional in our introduction of technology in the classroom. Students in the upper school use their email to gain access to our Student Information System-Jupiter ED. There, students can download their lesson plans, upload an assignment, complete a quiz, or respond to a prompt given by the teacher. Students at this age also begin to have assignments requiring typed work. As they progress into their high school years, they are taught critical real-world skills: from formatting papers, creating presentations, electives that utilize technology and completing research papers via online research and writing.
Ultimately, we desire that our students be equipped for the world in which they live. That means they know how to place limits on technology and to use technology as a tool. This includes, ultimately, being equipped to write, work, and learn in a tech-saturated world. We strive to find that balance where technology can be an important tool but doesn’t get in the way of the richest relationships and learning that a screen can’t replicate.
When students study Latin, they are learning how to learn. That's because Latin is a systematic language. It has clear rules, which means students must train their minds to pay attention to details and memorize endings, then apply what they know to what they're seeing in order to translate.
There are tangible benefits, too. Latin students have a greater understanding of the English language, which derives 60% of its vocabulary and much of its grammar from Latin. Studying Latin also helps students understand other foreign languages, increases SAT scores, and helps in STEM subjects whose vocabulary is closely derived from Latin.
Until the 1920's Latin was commonly studied in grammar and secondary schools. It was part of the education of our founding fathers and the world's greatest thinkers.
To learn more about why we study Latin, we encourage you to read this document, "Why Latin?" by Karen Moore from Classical Academic Press.