The following links direct you to special messages for new families. We'll include a note in the "This Week at CCA" emails when a new one is posted. You can come back here and read them anytime.
We’d love to meet you on social media. It’s a quick way for you to learn more about the school and meet other CCA parents and students. There are a few pages for you to follow. I encourage you to interact – go ahead and love those photos, make comments, ask questions!
Classical Christian Academy: This is our public page. We post things happening at our school, pictures from events, and share big news. You might even want to invite grandparents to follow this page!
CCA Community: This is a private group for only our current families. Here we’ll share things that are only of interest to our families. This might include get-togethers for students over the summer, signups for fieldtrips, etc.
CCA Curriculum: This page is primarily used by current and past CCA families. Here, people will post books they’re selling, and post books they’re looking to purchase. Be sure to check out the ISBNs listed for sale vs. the ISBNs provided on the curriculum list. Sometimes new versions of books are printed or we make changes to curriculum. It’s your responsibility to get the right books for your student.
Instagram: We’re also on Instagram. This account is a lot like the school’s public Facebook page.
There isn't a Mr. Ed Jupiter on staff at CCA. There is Jupiter Ed - it's is the software program CCA uses to send emails, lesson plans, grades, and various other communications. You’ll see lots of emails come from Jupiter Ed… open them and read them!
We recommend students in 6th grade and higher have their own emails and logins so they can take accountability for tracking their assignments and communicating with teachers.
You can watch a quick presentation about how to use this software and set up your accounts.
Parents who have more than one child: use the same email address and password when you set up each child's account. Then, once logged in, you can use the menu at the top left to switch children. (This applies only to parents; siblings cannot see each other's grades.)
**When you update your own contact info on the "Settings" tab, it updates on all of your children's records.
** Remember: CCA is in North Fort Myers. If you type “Fort Myers” it won’t find the account.
The following three things need to be completed before the end of your first school year. You have some time, but we’ll follow up with you to see how you’re progressing.
You may need to participate in a Christian Based Parenting Course. You can do this through your church, or do a study with RightNow Media in your own home. (You get a FREE membership from CCA!) If you've already done something similar, it may work to meet this requirement. Just communicate that with us. Once you’ve grown in your parenting, let us know what you did and what you learned.
Serve Four Parent Partner Days: Your family needs to complete Parent Partnering days this school year - and help with History Day. Please refer to the partnership agreement or handbook for more details.
Complete Community Service Hours: If your student is in High School he/she will need to complete community service hours. Please see the handbook for details. A copy of a tracking form can be found on the Handbooks & Forms page.