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Mrs. Beck brought her teaching skills and daughters to CCA!

Maverick Blogger

The Beck family is new to CCA this year and immediately got involved in our community. Mrs. Beck teaches upper-school science and helps as a lower-school aide in the mornings. Discover what appealed to them about CCA for their two daughters, and why they love it here!

How did you first find CCA, and what were you looking for in a school?

I think it was an internet search. We were looking for a school with an administration and staff that shared our morals and values. In addition, we wanted an environment for our children that was focused on academic and intellectual growth rather than testing statistics.

What were your first impressions? (Have they held true so far?)

Our first impressions were that the teachers and staff do share our values, and they do care about the students and are very attentive to each student's individual needs. So far, this has absolutely been the case.

What about CCA made you choose it as a school-home for your family?

After a few meetings it felt right. Also, our kids were actually excited about making the change and that was a big factor.

What is your favorite part of the on-campus aspect of the Hybrid Program?

The kids made friends right away, and that was a big concern for us. We feel like it is important for them to have social interaction with their peers, so we didn't want them to feel like outsiders. The staff and students have made them feel right at home, and that is a big relief for us.

What is your favorite part of the homeschool aspect of the Hybrid Program?

The freedom and flexibility that it offers the kids. It teaches them responsible behavior. They have learned that they must complete the assigned work; after that, they have the rest of the day to pursue other activities. Also, spending more time with our children is another bonus.

What has been the biggest hurdle for your family as you've adjusted to a new school?

The biggest hurdle has been adjusting to the homeschool aspect. I think it takes a couple of weeks for a child to adjust to learning at home and understanding that even though they are home, it is still "school," and they're still responsible for completing the work. Since they have settled into the routine, it has been wonderful.

Do you see changes or growth in your children that you attribute to CCA?

Yes, they are excited about going to school. They love the electives.

What would you tell people considering CCA for their student(s)?

I think it is a wonderful school with a great staff. I would encourage parents to consider the responsibility involved with the homeschool aspect. Homeschool days are not days off, so a parent has to be committed to being the teacher on those days. If you are willing to make that commitment, I think it is the perfect place.


Classical Christian Academy is the premier hybrid school in Southwest Florida. CCA offers families an academically rigorous and Christ-centered K-12 education option that blends the best aspects of private and home schooling. Classical Christian Academy is a registered 501c (3) organization. For more information, visit and follow CCA on www.facebook/com/DiscoverCCA.



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