After COVID-avoidance measures took over education, many schools began offering a hybrid option. Classical Christian Academy’s Hybrid Program is unique and proven. Here are four reasons why our program works: experience, communication, preparedness, and our proven schedule.
CCA started in 2004 with a hybrid-model. It didn’t switch to this model because of COVID. The principal and founder, Amy Davis, researched, investigated and learned best practices from other hybrid schools well before opening the doors to the school. (Hybrid schools have been a well-established school option all over the United States for decades. This format can work, if done well.) In more than 15 years since opening, the CCA team has gained extensive experience successfully graduating students who are prepared for what the Lord has planned for them.
“Looking back, I appreciate the responsibility each student had at CCA. I had to plan my Tuesdays and Thursdays to get my work done and turned in on time. The hybrid model really prepared me for scheduling and managing my time, which is a big part of being independent in college,” explained Meagan Urbanek, a recent CCA graduate. “It sounds strange, but with the difficulty of my high school course work and the hybrid model, it was easy to transition to college.”
In any relationship, communication is key. CCA has intentionally small classes to ensure students are known to their teachers. Teachers and parents meet throughout the year, and have several methods of being able to reach out to ask questions, address concerns and make student assessments together.
CCA parent, Erin Flynn shared, “I have never been a part of a school before that has such amazing communication and collaboration between teachers and parents. For example, last year I had some concerns on how my son was doing in math. When I brought it up, Mrs. Dillehay, [Upper School Assistant Principal] scheduled a time for us to sit and chat. She was such a kind and receptive listener and gave such thoughtful ideas of how we could help to move Jackson in the right direction. She then circled back around 2 weeks later after checking in with his math teacher, and wanted to follow up with me- to see if our ideas had worked, and they had! In the past, I had felt alone when Jackson struggled. I felt like I was a burden to the teacher and she had too many other students to worry about, and thus, Jackson would fall through the cracks. Not at CCA! He is loved and important and, most important of all, he knows this. It means everything to me to send him to a school that values him not only as a student, but as a unique individual and a child of God. There is nothing like it. The caring and communication is one thing that makes this school so special.”
Responsibility for success lies with more than just the teachers. Everyone needs to be able to come to the table ready to work. CCA ensures parents and students have the tools needed for success. There are two primary ways this happens.
First, every two weeks, CCA shares lesson plans with families. The plans are made by the in-class teachers. They clearly state what’s expected to be covered and completed on in-class and at-home days. Parents and students know what the teacher covered in class the day before. This allows everyone to review and know what happened in school – or peek ahead and get an overview to the next lesson. The lesson plans also ensure parents and students know what is expected on the days students are at home. The plans give details about what reading and work needs to be completed, when tests are scheduled and indicate when special materials are needed.
Second, parents have the solutions manuals and/or answer keys at home. Parents can check student work and ensure their student understands the material when they’re at home. Many of the teacher’s manuals have word-for-word scripts parents can follow if they choose. These scripts – even if loosely followed – ensure consistency in the presentation and explanations given in class and at home.
“I have three kids at CCA and we’ve been here for eight years. I am not a teacher and never expected to homeschool,” laughed CCA parent, Cindy Ward. “There’s an effortless checks and balances here. Everyone knows what’s expected and what we need to get done. Our partnership with CCA has eliminated stress and given me confidence in my role in educating my children.”
CCA’s Hybrid model is structured with three days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) on-campus, and two days (Tuesday and Thursday) at home. When at home, students are guided and taught by their parents. They are not logging into a zoom class or doing traditional, independent “busy” homework. While the setting changes, the quality of education offered is consistent.
“This model offers students the best of both worlds. In class, students get the rich opportunities available in such things as peer discussions, public speaking, and science experiments. At home, students have the time and flexibility to either work quickly through mastered skills, or get focused help in understanding difficult concepts,” explained Christi Cecil, Upper School Assistant Principal.
The way CCA does Hybrid is proven to be successful. We invite you to learn more about our Hybrid Program, or schedule a tour of our school.
Classical Christian Academy is the premier hybrid school in Southwest Florida. CCA offers families an academically rigorous and Christ-centered K-12 education option that blends the best aspects of private and home schooling. Classical Christian Academy is a registered 501c (3) organization. For more information, visit www.discovercca.org and follow CCA on www.facebook/com/DiscoverCCA.