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Connections Program Makes Homeschoolers Part of the Family


Classical Christian Academy Connections Program Makes Homeschoolers Part of the ‘Family’

By CCA Student Journalist Hannah E.

7 May 2018 — North Fort Myers, Fla. — Classical Christian Academy is a different kind of school. Its Hybrid Program offers a complete Christian education for students in grades K-12, while the Connections Program gives homeschool families even more options.

Connections combines the flexibility of homeschooling with the added accountability and opportunities of a private, Christian school education. Students in the Connections Program may take classes on the CCA campus and participate in electives, athletics, community service and other activities.

“The Connections Program is similar to a support group for homeschoolers and their families,” added Mrs. Kelly Driskell, Connections administrator. Instead of reporting to the county, the families report to CCA; the students are officially private school students, but their education is customized by their families as homeschoolers.

Connections students are invited to all campus activities like History day, Field Day, Talent Show and more. They even have a page in the CCA yearbook! To make sure Connections students feel connected to the CCA family, the administration made a few changes to the program this year.

“We now require Connections families to come to at least two community events, and parents have to come to two parent meeting each year,” said Mrs Driskell.

Senior Lily G. was formerly a Hybrid program student but found the Connections program a better fit for her needs in high school.  She said the Connections Program makes her feel she is still part of the CCA family because she continues to take some classes on campus while taking college-level classes through dual enrollment elsewhere.

Through the Connections Program, homeschool students can enjoy fellowship with like-minded students in the CCA Hybrid Program. They also can tailor their education around their family’s unique desires and needs.

Take the example of the Detzel family. This family is among dozens who are benefitting from the flexibility of CCA’s Connections Program. Mrs. Brandy Detzel says her family’s participation in the Connections Program helps manage the chaos while ensuring her two children get a quality education.

Connections Program at Classical Christian Academy

Ruby and Riley complete their school work

Both Detzel children are actively involved in 4H, and all the preparation that goes into getting ready for fair week makes it hard to do much else. One shows horses, and the other shows steers. Adding to the busyness, a few years ago, Mrs. Detzel’s eldest child was diagnosed with a rare form of anemia requiring bone marrow transplants.

A flexible schedule is a must for this family! A typical school schedule of Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., simply wouldn’t work. The Detzel family has found CCA’s Connections program to be the perfect fit for homeschooling with support.

Connections Program at Classical Christian Academy

The Detzel Family loves the outdoors!

“I like that the Connections Program lets me decide what my children learn,” said Mrs. Detzel. “We can make our own schedule, but we still feel like a part of the CCA family.”

About Classical Christian Academy:

Classical Christian Academy is the premier hybrid school in Southwest Florida. CCA offers families an academically rigorous and Christ-centered K-12 education option that blend the best aspects of private and homeschooling. Classical Christian Academy is a registered 501c(3) organization. For more information, visit and like CCA on



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