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Arr, Matey! We’re seeking treasure!

Maverick Blogger

Classical Christian Academy families are free from participating in time-consuming fundraisers. We do not sell cookie dough or wrapping paper. Instead, to operate and offer our students an exceptional education, we rely on generous donations and involvement from our community in a number of free fundraisers.

Our Small Things campaign is how we highlight each of those fundraisers and give our families a fun opportunity to support CCA in meaningful ways. For the next two weeks, from October 18 – 29, we are raising awareness and promoting enrollment in our three free-to-you fundraisers: Box Tops for Education, Amazon Smile, and Shop with Scrip. As families show they've enrolled, the masts of our Pirate Ship will rise. We hope to have 100% participation in all programs.

This year, we also have a $500 match challenge. To show how small contributions make a big difference, an anonymous donor will match $5 to $25 donations, up to $500. Together, we can quickly turn $500 into $1,000! Donations can be made online through PayPal Giving or dropped off at the front desk.

Here are some details for enrolling in each free fundraising program:

1. Donations given by families or businesses can be made online through PayPal Giving, dropped off at the front desk or mailed to Classical Christian Academy, 7101 Bayshore Road, North Fort Myers, FL 33917.

2. Shop With Scrip: Scrip partnered with hundreds of popular brands and stores to offer rebates to support non-profit organizations – at no additional cost to you. When you buy a gift card from Scrip at face value, a percentage of your purchase is donated directly to CCA. It's an easy way to support our school. You'll need to set up a free account at and register using CCA's School ID: 5A75L1C28166. There are a few steps, so here are some detailed directions to help you out.

3. Amazon Smile: If you are an Amazon shopper, we hope you'll support us through AmazonSmile. By clicking this link and connecting your account to "Classical Christian Academy North Fort Myers, FL," Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchases to CCA, with no additional costs to you. AmazonSmile is also available in your Amazon app! ​

4. Box Tops for Education: Support CCA with the products you already buy. Just download the free app Box Tops app, choose Classical Christian Academy as the beneficiary, then scan your receipt. Boxtops for Education sees your purchases and credits CCA. It's quick and easy. Learn more about the Boxtops for Education program here.

5. Staples: If you give Staples CCA's phone number, 239-543-1532, we receive rewards from each purchase. These often amount to gift certificates we can use to purchase supplies for our classrooms.


Classical Christian Academy is the premier hybrid school in Southwest Florida. CCA offers families an academically rigorous and Christ-centered K-12 education option that blends the best aspects of private and home schooling. Classical Christian Academy is a registered 501c (3) organization. For more information, visit and follow CCA on www.facebook/com/DiscoverCCA.

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