Welcome to learning at Classical Christian Academy! These are important years for your family and we would love to partner with you as your student begins their educational journey!
Students in our Kinder-Prep and kindergarten grades are in the Pre-Polly or beginning Grammar stage of learning. They are naturally excited to experience school and ready to tackle whatever they are given. Our goal at CCA is to foster that curiosity and guide them as they discover more about God’s world. Using songs, stories, and projects, we seek to engage students in all aspects of learning. Our teachers instruct our students with numerous multi-sensory and hands-on learning activities that are both memorable and fun. Along with traditional academics, our teachers actively work with students in this development stage as they build a foundation for future learning.
Our tradition at Classical Christian Academy is rooted in partnership. A key facet of our success lies within our partnership with parents. On home days, you will not be left alone to educate your child. Rather, our teachers are available for questions and are eager to assist you in your home instruction.
As you plan for the next step in your child’s education, please know that we are praying for you. We know choosing a school that fits the needs of your family is not a decision that should be taken lightly. We are excited for each new family that chooses to partner with CCA for their educational journey.
We hope to hear from you soon,
In Christ,
Tabitha Dillehay
What you can expect from our Kinder-Prep and Kindergarten classes.

Children naturally love routine and order. That's the essence of math! We've chosen Saxon math to help us teach concepts like time, calendar, money value, shapes, counting, and number recognition.
We are always invited into relationship with God, and we can do that by studying the Bible. We've chosen to do that through a children's Bible study called "Old Story New" and "New Story Short." This involves a scripture reading, short description and a few questions to ensure understanding.

In classical education, we explore language arts through five areas: letter recognition and sounds, handwriting, grammar, composition, and reading comprehension. At CCA, we've chosen the Fundations curriculum to teach reading, spelling, and handwriting. This study begins formally in Kindergarten and with a more casual approach in Kinder-Prep. An extensive selection of classic stories introduce our students to grammar and allow us to explore different aspects of reading comprehension and composition.
God's creation is amazing! We spend these formative years exploring the world around us. We do lots of fun, hands-on experiments. This introduces our students to new words, ideas, and the scientific process of asking a question, creating a hypothesis, testing through experiment and recording our results.

Four, five and six year olds desperately seek to know their place in the world. So, we start by exploring our own family histories and local geography. As we study America and the world beyond, we learn about our country's history, map concepts, and different land features. We also spend time discovering more about the different jobs of our community helpers.
We recognize the importance of rest and exercise in growing healthy bodies and minds. As such, all lower-school students get two recess breaks: one indoor and one outdoor. Our youngest learners in Kinder-Prep and Kindergarten also have a daily rest time. Some will sleep while others simply rest in the dimed room with soothing music. Throughout the day, students in these grades participate in electives that include music, art, physical education, and - beginning in Kindergarten - American Sign Language.

A Note About Kinder-Prep
Our Kinder-Prep program is not part of Florida's Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program. We are unable to accept payment vouchers to cover tuition at this time.
Our Kinder-Prep program is for potty-trained students who will be four when school starts in mid-August.